Mindset Matters
This month we undertook our Assessment & Rating Review here at MELC. This is an official nationwide process that all Early childhood settings are required to go through roughly every 3 years. Not only is the purpose to ensure children are safe and well cared for, but it imposes what we call national quality standards (NQS), rates settings and services accordingly and records the data on a national register.
As you can imagine, the process is complex and lengthly. The preparation and anticipation can be taxing and overwhelming. Some might compare it to putting your much loved family home up for auction, an open house. Letting others in to questions and critique what you’ve put your heart and soul into. Can you relate to the sense of pressure and vulnerability?
“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it; it just blooms”
Being holistic in our approach however, we understand the benefit of mindset and want to share with you how we took on the challenge this year.
Anita (Our Owner, founder and exceptional visionary) values mindset and wellbeing above all else and for this reason has invited my skills as a Wellness Advocate to incorporate some in house coaching with our staff. More on this later, for now please read a snippet of what our I sent out to staff on behalf of our Management team the night before our review -
With There’s 2 ways we can look at A & R:
With fear or enthusiasm.
Tomorrow is not a day to dread, feel pressured or worry about. It isn’t a day to feel as though an official is watching over your shoulder watching every detail of your work. She won’t be waiting for you to slip up or so something wrong.
It’s an opportunity to show just another human being (remember she’s just one of us!) the amazing culture that is embedded within our space. It’s a time to get excited and share why you love working in such a beautiful service. Why you love working with little souls and what lights you up. It’s a time to be present with our babes and show that we put them above all else within everything we do.
Tomorrow, I encourage you to remember your “why” and be confident in your approach and purpose as an educator. None of us are here by chance. No matter where we are on our own journeys, MELC will be an integral step that will help to shape you as a professional, an educator, a woman. Embrace this situation and view it as an opportunity for growth and connection.
You are all so genuinely valued for your individual strengths and qualities. We appreciate that each of us bring a unique sparkle to our space and really want to celebrate the dynamic team that we have.
Jess (our amazing 2IC) said it perfectly... the effort and dedication that you have all put in this week has been OVER AND ABOVE! Going through accreditation together as such a fresh team (lots of newbies) is only going to bond us hard and fast (you know, like a trashy reality tv show)
Haha! No seriously, I know things aren’t always sunshine and rainbows, life never is... but you know what...
And the end of the day, regardless of any official business...
We are team.
We are united.
We’re a village.
And we’re in this together.
No matter how things go tomorrow, we’re going to come out of it proud as punch!
Because we believe in our WHAT, WHY and HOW!
If you are in management reading this, I want to encourage you to support and appreciate your staff. Be there when they need you. The calm in the storm, or the light for the fire. Remember, culture and mindset always stems from the top.
If you are an educator reading this, I want to encourage you to know your worth, harness your purpose and make sure you are working in your light. Connect with your colleagues, start the conversation and continue to reflect as a team. There is power in numbers and when you encourage and support one another, mindset shift flows organically.
If you are a parent or family member reading this, I want to encourage you to get curious with the professionals that so passionately care and educate your children. Get to know their personal “Why’s”. This will help you to understand their mindset, overall approach and find even more it will strengthen your security in the space that you leave your littlest loves.
Like I said above, we are yet to hear how we have been rated. And at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. I’m sure with this angle of thinking, it will be no surprise to you that we had a wonderfully pleasant and fulfilling experience. All of our staff seemed to come out of it the other end feeling empowered and even more connected then before. We are beyond proud of our team and feel so grounded in our approach. This years Assessment & Rating is just another step in our journey and we look at it as an opportunity for further reflection and growth.
Written By Katie Stephenson